Saturday, March 7, 2009


Genetically Engineered

Yesterday Sophie and Marky were feeling especially artsy. So they drew the classic hand turkeys. However, my kids are geniuses. Where the rest of the world draws boring turkeys with two stick legs, mine draw turkeys with pants and four legs!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cute Kids

Now, I realize that technically, there is no real purpose in displaying most of these next photos other than to let my kids be seen. However, everyone knows that one of the main reasons mothers start a blog is to show off their children. And if you deny that, you are either lying or you're incredibly modest (or maybe you really don't like your kids). Now, despite my complaints about my...spirited children, I think they can be pretty darn fun. I enjoy my kids and think they're great. And since I've been collecting pictures for months now without a blog to display them on, I figure I'd better get caught up. So I picked out a few cute ones to show off. Some are a little bit old, but that's ok.

Sophie and Marky enjoying cupcakes

Jane demolishisng her cupcake on her 1st B-day

The big brother and sisters get to meet baby Andrea

Jane loves being a big sister


Sophie in her pilgram costume for her Kindergarten Thanksgiving program (which I forgot to video tape! Grrr.)

We Three Drink

I just love Jane in this picture

Andrea has Personality!

My little baby, Andrea, is very camera shy. I have tried a million and a half times to get her to smile for the camera. She really does smile and coo and laugh all the time. But as soon as I put a camera in front of her face, she freezes (one of the reasons I haven't taken her to get her picture at JC Penny's yet). It's been very frustrating because I want everyone to see her cute personality. When she met everyone over the holidays, she had none. So tonight I caught her. Andrea really likes getting her diaper changed. So I was prepared to catch her smiling when she just couldn't help herself. So, VOILA! Proof that my baby has personality.

Better than a Puppy

Our little one year old, Jane, adores her daddy! You should see her when Mark comes home from work. If Jane is sitting on the couch, she scrambles off as fast as she can when she hears the screen door open. She knows it's her daddy. She crawls across the room at warp speed just to greet him at the stairs. Well, tonight she was all prepared. I had talked with Mark on the phone while he was packing up to leave work. I think Jane knew exactly what was going on. She went down the stairs to the front door and stood there waiting for him to come home...for about 15 minutes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Little Valentine

OK, I know it's a little late, but I wanted to share this picture before I even started this blog. Andrea dressed up as my little Valentine this year. I thought she looked really cute. Jane had gotten this outfit last year but was too shrimpy to fit into it by Valentine's Day. I was so bummed. But apparently, even with a month less of growing time, Andrea managed to fit. Thank goodness.

Beach Bodies

Mark and I decided to do an excercise program together. I think the initial plan was to have an activity that we could share. However, I do my workout videos in the morning and he does his at night. Regardless, we are having fun comparing sore muscles. Sophie and Marky are especially excited about it. The other night they got to excercise with daddy. And they all had to take off their shirts, Sophie included.

My Baby is Walking!!

Jane finally figured it out! I'm very excited. She still crawls in large areas, like church, but around the house she's a pretty good walker. And here's the proof! (Mark told me to tell you all that I don't know how to use the camera, either. That's why the picture moves sideways halfway through. Sorry).

No, We're Not Irish

But Mark wishes we were! In dedication to Mark and his mission in Ireland, we decided that a St. Patty's Day background was appropriate for this month. By the way, with my computer know-how, it took me forever to figure out how to do the background stuff. Thanks, again, Nicki.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to My Asylum

You may all be wondering why a loving mother would refer to her home as an asylum. However, for those of you who know my family well, this is probably a no-brainer. But in respect to those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting my family, I'll introduce you and perhaps you'll understand.
My husband, Mark, and I have been married for 8 years now. Mark is an engineer in the Air Force and we both agree, it is a pretty cushy life. Mark is a very hard worker and also the reason why we never have to call in a handy man/plumber/painter/or car repair guy. However, being an enginneer, he is also the reason we have about $600 worth of miscellaneous electronics in our garage, a paint ball gun strapped to a remote control airplane, and I had to get a new dust buster!
Sophie is our oldest. She is six years old and in Kindergarten. Her grandpa and I gave her about a month before we thought she's be expelled from school, but so far, she's done great!
Marky is four. He is obsessed with dinosaurs, Transformers, and Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles. He'll sing theme songs to you until you are bored or just walk away. Then all day long without even noticing until we have to ask him to be quiet.
Jane is 14 months old. She is adorable. She climbs everything and just discovered the garbage can. We no longer have any tupperware. When she's hungry, she makes a lot of noise!
Andrea is three months old. She's getting such a cute personality now that she's grown a bit. She likes to spit and fill her diapers...a lot!
Then there's me, Dorothy. I doubt that anyone else in my family will participate in writing on this blog, so as far as I'm concerned, everything I say is the truth. Therefore, I never yell at my children, my house is always clean, and dinner is always delicious! And everything I say about Mark is the truth, too!

Wow, It's official. I have a blog!!!

It's about time. I finally just sat down and did it. So for all you grandmas out you go. To all my nieces and sisters who are more talented than I am...I'll be copying you! I'll learn as I go.